Saturday, February 8, 2014

Almost A Little More Equal

  Saturday night the U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder, was scheduled to make a speech in New York during an event put on by the Human Rights Campaign. He announced that the U.S. Justice Department is now going to recognize same-sex married couples in any legal matters where the U.S. government has jurisdiction just as they recognize opposite-sex couples. Basically, what this means is now any federal benefits, entitlements, or protections that are given to married opposite-sex couples will now be provided for all legally married couples even if their marriage is not legally recognized by the state.

  Here’s the article, maybe they can explain it better than I can.

  I know this is somewhat more of a national government issue, but it does tie into this class and our state government. It gets a little wordy trying to explain without sounding like an episode of Law and Order, so I found a video that I thought gave a good example of how it affects Texas government. The video also has a clip of Sen. Ted Cruz stating his opinion on the Attorney General’s announcement. Link for the video.

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